Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013



One upon the time, there was a prince of the el classico kingdom who are in love with the Princess of the Paragon Kingdom. He tells his feelings to the queen and her sister. the queen and her sister did not approve when he making love with a princess. but he did not listen to the advice of the queen

prince : mom, I falling with princes of paragon
queen : what ? please, think again. She is a bad girl
sister : are you crazy ? she is very bad girls. She can break your heart
prince : whatever what you say abaout her. I love her so much and you can’t stop it
queen : dear listen to me ! please don’t do it. Don’t saying like that to your sister
prince : whatever

One day the prince met with the princess to tell her feelings

Prince : princess, Do you want to be my girlfriend ?
Princess: what do you say ? who are you ? what do you have ?
Prince : I'm the king from el classico kingdom. i have nine Pajero car, fifteen hairly car and one dokar
Princess : Hoo.. wow, i’m surprise
Prince: so ?
Princess : oke, i will be your girlfriend

after some months the princess turned into a bad princess

Prince: what’s wrong with you ?
Princess : sorry, but i can’t be your girlfriend anymore ?
Prince : Why ? you have another prince ?
Princess : yes, i have. He is a prince of Dulux Kingdom. He is very rich
Prince : what !! wow.. you are bad princess in the world
Princess : whatever you say, but enough for our relantionship ! so you can go from my palace
Prince : what the “ thitt”

prince was very disappointed and sad because expectations can not be true

Queen : why your brother looks sad?
Sister  :i don’t know mom, I think he's got a serious problem
Queen : let’s ask to him
Sister : why you look so sad ?
Prince : I was broken heart. he left me and prefer a prince who has a lot of money
Queen : i’m telling about her, but you not listen to me
Prince : i’m sorry mom
Sister : don’t cry brother, don’t cry
Prince : i’m not crying. I’m strong (kucek-kucek mata)

 After one week, the queen give present to prince

Queen : hi dear, i give you a present
Prince : really ? what is it ?
Sister : come here
beautiful princess show your face to the prince
prince : wow !! beautiful !
princes : hello...
prince : mom ? [melihat tanpa berkedip]
queen :she is a princess from Avian Kingdom. She is beautiful princess and she has beautiful heart
prince : thank mom

finally they get married and live happily ever after

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